Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reading 5

This reading brought to me a whole new insight as to how prevalent hazing is. Hazing is a terrible thing. People are beaten and mentally abused just to obtain entry into some club or fraternity. Innocent individuals die from hazing just because they want to be in that club. Hazing is not needed to make sure that someone is good enough to be in the club. Robert Champion just wanted to play his music for everyone to hear, he did not deserve to die. He shouldn’t have died when he did. Colleges and universities need to pay more attention to hazing on campus. But not only do they need to pay more attention, they need to punish the people who have been participating in the practice. Punishments should be more severe and the students should actually be afraid of the consequences of getting caught. Something needs to be done. There is no need for people to be beaten and scorned just for initiation into a club, sport, sorority, or fraternity. After suspending over 100 students from the band, wouldn’t you think that administrators would catch on? Well, obviously not because an innocent student is dead and many others are emotionally and even physically scarred. 


  1. Kathleen,
    I am pretty sure that everyone would agree with your point of view on this topic. Hazing in this day and age is insanely irresponsible. After years of traumatizing school shootings and horror stories of fatal hazing incidents, it’s about time for universities to step up and control what is happening on their campuses. For state universities to continually let history repeat itself and put student’s lives in risk to adhere to dangerous traditions is inconceivable. Hopefully after this most recent incident, administrators will finally take the proper precautions to improve their campuses. Overall I agree with your blog on this reading.

  2. I would agree with you on this article hazing is a terrible thing and should be taken away from the college life. An innocent person should not have died from hazing. There is one problem with hazing you would have to catch them in the act. I hope the people who this to him got the full extent of the law. I agree that colleges should pay more attention but how could they enforce something like hazing. I agree with you that people should never have to be beaten just to get into a club or sports team. Hazing needs to be stopped at all cost.
